What is Translation Memory?

Lindsay Lawson
4 Min Read

Think about the number of documents and websites you interact with each week. From banking websites to medical bills, many things you read have essential information that can affect your future. Now, imagine they’re all in a language you don’t understand.

For the 10 percent of the US population that doesn’t speak English well, written text must be translated into another language for their complete understanding. repeat sentences or even full paragraphs across multiple documents

The cost and the time to individually translate each piece from scratch could be considerable. Luckily, there’s a solution—Translation Memory.

Let’s dive into how language service providers use translation memory for projects and the benefits of working with an exceptional database.

Translation Memory Defined & Explained

Definition: Translation memory is a database that collects and stores translated text. This tool makes translating multiple documents easier by allowing the translator to access previously translated text from past projects and incorporate it into another translation project.

Explanation: Using translation memory makes the translation process more efficient. Here’s a step-by-step example:

  1. A language services provider (LSP) receives text in its original language, also known as the source language. Typically in the United States, the source language would be English.
  2. The text is translated into the target language. LSPs usually go through an editing process until the client approves the text.
  3. Once the translated text is complete, the translation memory database records both text versions (English and the target language). Each client has their own translation memory database.
  4. Later, if another document needs translation, the LSP inputs the new source text into the client’s database to compare it to past translation projects.
  5. The translation memory database notifies the translator of any repeated sentences, paragraphs, or previously translated text segments.
  6. The translator can quickly transfer the repeated text from the previous translation project and incorporate it into the new project.

How CyraCom Uses Translation Memory

CyraCom uses a Translation Memory database for each client that stores the translations for words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs from previous projects. When a client submits a new project, the Translation Memory scans it for any repeat translations. We can transfer the duplicated text to the new project, saving time and money on the project. The more projects we work on together, you’ll see increased savings, consistency, and speed.

Benefits of CyraCom’s Translation Memory

We don’t charge full price for previously translated text. CyraCom values loyalty and continued business. If you’ve already translated similar sentences, paragraphs, or segments with us, we don’t charge full price to incorporate the text into your latest project.

Keep your translated documents consistent. Using the same partner for translation improves cohesion and uniformity across all projects. CyraCom can even create a Translation Memory database for an entire health system or organization that can be used across all facilities. This keeps translations standardized and prevents documents from being individually translated by each facility, further reducing costs.

Want to learn more about CyraCom’s Translation Services?

Visit us at www.cyracominternational.com/translation for more information, or contact our translation team directly via email at [email protected].

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