The first step of the Translation Plan Checklist helps you gather data from several sources. Knowing the most commonly spoken languages and the area’s population breakdown helps you plan ahead and receive more accurate pricing from language service providers.
Establish your language access resources
After determining your top languages, think about the kinds of services you’ll need to offer to your customers or patients. This includes a variety of support formats, such as closed captions for the Hard of Hearing and Deaf, braille or large-font transcription for blind individuals, or website localization for global audiences.
Create guidance for how and when staff should use language services
This section will help you develop a plan to help your staff utilize translation services. Establish when staff should contact internal resources or reach out to your language services provider for assistance.
Review and update your language access plan
Finally, this checklist lists how to review and update your plan, which you should do at least every two years.