The CyraCom Blog

Welcome to your source for providing better language access. We provide research on laws and trends that may impact your language access program, as well as tips and insights on compliance, staff adoption, and customer or patient satisfaction.

Five ways CyraCom’s translation team protects PHI and PII

When you need to translate protected health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII), you need a trusted vendor to…

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How to use language services to improve health equity

Hospitals and healthcare organizations need systems that improve health equity for all…

Why businesses need language services

Using interpretation and translation can positively impact your bottom line. Let’s dive…

Provide equitable government services with better language access

The US government regularly implements new legislation to provide underserved citizens with…

ISO Accreditations: why are they important?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-governmental organization that provides…

What is Translation Memory?

Think about the number of documents and websites you interact with each…

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