How do you know your language services provider is trustworthy?

Lindsay Lawson
4 Min Read

Protecting confidential information boosts trust in your organization and helps you avoid detrimental, embarrassing data breaches. Likewise, your language services provider should value data security and have established processes to safeguard against nefarious activities.

So how do you know your language services provider is trustworthy? Let’s review how CyraCom keeps your private client or patient information secure.

ISO-Accredited Services

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent, international organization that develops global, professional standards for consistency across industries and between nations.

CyraCom was the first US-based language services provider to obtain ISO certification 27001 for Information Security Management. This accreditation verifies that our information security management system meets the international standards of preserving “the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information by applying a risk management process.”

“Many other language service providers will claim that they offer secure systems, but they often don’t have independent third parties verify these claims,” stated CyraCom Chairman and CEO Jeremy Woan. “At CyraCom, we want to provide evidence that we value information security. That’s why we’re proud to be the first US-based language services provider to be awarded this certification. It proves that our information security management systems uphold the highest standards.”

Learn more about the importance of ISO Accreditations for language service providers.

As part of our compliant information security management system, we adhere to specific technical controls across our systems. These controls include but are not limited to:

  • Network firewalls with intrusion detection and prevention systems
  • Interpreter restriction from outbound email, whitelisted internet access, and inability to save or store data
  • Blocking any information exporting via removable media, email, or network printers

Optimal Operational Security

Unlike many of our competitors, CyraCom primarily utilizes large-scale contact centers to host our employee interpreters instead of relying on independent contractors. You may wonder what this has to do with security – here are a few highlights:

  • Legally, independent contractors cannot be trained, while CyraCom’s employee interpreters participate in a detailed training program in addition to ongoing security compliance exercises.
  • CyraCom monitors our employee interpreters to meet high standards and strict regulations. Frequent quality monitoring, on-the-spot follow-up, coaching, and monthly education modules build skills and reward excellence.
  • During interpretation sessions, our interpreters use whiteboards to take notes and immediately erase them after the call concludes, eliminating the risk of paper notes with identifiable information leaving the center.

Secure Translation Portal

Data security is one of the biggest issues with using free translation platforms. Public machine translation (MT) portals often include terms of use agreements that may entitle the provider to store, modify, reproduce, and distribute your submitted content. Your translation provider should have safeguards in place to protect your content.

Did you know most translation providers email client files to translators? If you don’t want your files on external, potentially unsecured systems, you’ll need a partner who protects confidential data. CyraCom keeps your data secure by translating, editing, and reviewing content within our password-protected Translation Portal.

Additional Resources

CyraCom offers free language services consultations.

Contact our team at [email protected] to request more information.

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